Gina's News For Kids

Stuff Kids Like To Know About!


Christmas Eve!

Posted by gina

It’s freezing, there are presents under the tree, and family are gathering around the fireplace.

You all know what that means…. Christmas!!!

When it’s Christmas, Santa Claus (St. Nick, Santa, Mr. Claus) comes down your chimney, a bag of toys slung over his shoulder.

He, quietly as a mouse, puts all your toys under the tree (or in my case, on the couch).

But if you were bad that year, Santa puts coal in your stocking!

People often go somewhere with family for Christmas.

They bring gifts for one another, too.

Santa’s sleigh is lead by Rudolf, the red nose reindeer (BTW, I hope everyone’s seen the movie)!

This year, I’m up at the very top of Beech Mountain. It just started snowing this morning, but there’s enough of it for a small Snow Ball fight!

My aunt and uncle own a house up here. I come up here every other Christmas.

The mountain house may be two stories tall, but with two uncles, two aunts, three cousins, a grandma and grandpa, my mom and dad and I, it’s packed up here!

For Christmas, I want a Nintendo 3DS, Pokemon X, and some books called Warriors!

What do you want for Christmas?

Tell me in the comments below!

And check out NORAD Santa Tracker!

Oh, and I cannot forget!

Merry Christmas!


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